Welcome to Fine Choice Holiday

Travel Tips

Heading off on a big adventure, but not sure what's involved. These trip planning tips will help you get a handle on the things you need to consider.

Organise your documents

Make sure you have an up to date passport, that will be up to date for the duration of your trip. Check visa requirements for the country you are travelling to. Some countries require that you arrange a visa before you leave home, while others will grant a tourist visa when you land! Make sure you have a suitable travel insurance organised.

Book flights and accomodation

One of the fun parts about travelling is the booking of your flights and/or accomodation (have you checked out Travellerspoint's budget accommodation section yet?!). Make sure you shop around at different travel agents, because prices can vary widely. Check that the prices quoted include all taxes and surcharges.

Get any vaccinations you might need

Make an appointment with your doctor to check what vaccinations you need or any medicine you should take with you. Common ones to look out for are Typhoid, Malaria and Hepatitis.. not the kind of things you want as souvenirs!

Look after the home front

Unfortunately, while you're away, there are often still things that need to be looked after back home. Make sure you have arrangements in place for someone to look after your bills, plants and mail. If you are going to be leaving a house empty, consider finding someone to house-sit for you while you're away.

Organise things to do

Make a list of things that you plan to do while away. Do some research on the internet about your holiday destination. There may be special events on that you can only attend if you book in advance. Planning what you're going to see will make it a lot easier to relax when you're on holidays!

Make a packing list

Start making a packing list a few weeks in advance or use our packing list. As the weeks go by, you will undoubtedly think of many more things to add. Write them down as you go, then pack everything on your list in the last day or two.

Look after your finances

Find out what currency you will need and figure out the best way for you to deal with it. Credit cards can be convenient, but also unsafe in a lot of areas. Travellers cheques are a good safe alternative.

Stay in touch

Take an address book with you, with all the important contacts in it. Check on any foreign phone codes and write them in your address book. Before you start your trip, make sure you let people know that you will be away and how they can contact you while you're away. If you don't have an email address that you can check on the road, you can set up one through Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail or become a Travellerspoint member to keep an online diary or blog of your travels and have your friends and family send you messages through our internal messaging system.

Ask for help

If you have any more questions about country specific issues, you can contact one of our Travel Helpers, who are always happy to answer any questions. This feature is available to all Travellerspoint members and is completely free.